The Roots of Health – Episode 45: Removal of Amalgams & Detoxing from Mercury with Dr. Alvin Danenberg

Mercury Detox with Dr. Alvin Danenberg | Meredith Rhodes Carson, Health CoachClick here to go right to the show in iTunes or on

Are you walking around with a mouthful of silver amalgams? Would it surprise you to learn that 50% of that material is elemental mercury? Over the years, we’ve been taught to avoid handling mercury – mercury thermometers have been replaced with digital ones, pregnant women & children have been warned against eating too many fish – because they bioconcentrate organic mercury… even that red antiseptic that I so fondly remember from my youth has been banned… remember mercurochrome? So why do our fillings continue to be filled with mercury? And what can we do if we want it out of our mouths? And furthermore… if it’s out of our mouth, is it out of our body?

Back with me today is Dr. Alvin Danenberg – a periodontist who had his mercury fillings removed years ago. He is in the process of detoxing from mercury & other heavy metals and he’s agreed to talk to me about his experience.

Al and I chat about how dental practitioners were trained to handle mercury amalgam, how elemental mercury vapor is toxic to us, the things to consider when & if you opt to have the mercury removed from your mouth, how do you know how much mercury you have in your system, how can you detox from mercury and other heavy metals, and what that process looks like.

The EPA has some resources online about elemental mercury (the kind of mercury in amalgam). Of note are the following quotes:

‘Dental amalgam fillings contain elemental mercury combined with other metals, and mercury exposure for pregnant women and children who have amalgam fillings have been studied. The number of amalgam fillings in women during pregnancy was significantly associated with mercury concentrations in neonatal hair, but not amniotic fluid.’

‘Dental amalgam fillings that contain mercury are used by dentists for dental caries, although non-mercury alternatives are available. The American Dental Association advocates use of amalgam fillings, citing safety evaluations by several US agencies. Information about the safety of amalgam fillings has been reviewed and presented by the US EPA, US Center for Disease Control, and the US FDA. A US FDA Advisory Panel in 2006 expressed concern about a lack of knowledge concerning effects of amalgam use in pregnant women and children. Consult your dentist for more information and to discuss treatment options.’

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The Roots of Health – Episode 40: How to Get Healthy… Without Being a Jerk.

Me 40-01Click here to go right to the show in iTunes or on

*This show is more about not driving your family away when you decide to change your dietary choices… but it will equally apply to your friends… carry on.

Hi, I’m Meredith, and I was once a jerk – disguised as a health coach.

I understand this is a common problem – where one-half of a couple is motivated by some health issue to make a positive change, and the other half of the couple really likes the status quo. Even more – if you throw kids into the mix – and the motivated party suddenly wants health for the entire family… you have a recipe for rebellion.

What can you do? How to you go about getting healthy without being a jerk? 😉

This show is full of lessons learned from my very own story – complete with snippits straight from my kids. I offer a handful of suggestions for you to own your own health story and be a positive role model at home – without making your family feel like they are being dragged in against their will.

You’re not a jerk… I know you – you’re my kind of people.

You can subscribe to The Roots of Health at and also on iTunes.